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Sole Trader or Limited Company?

“I’d love to have my own venue styling business, but I don’t know where to start!”

Starting a new venue styling business is a big step to make, but one of your first big decisions will be whether to become a sole trader or limited company.

When we set-up our first events business in 1995, we spent 2 years researching before we started advertising for our first client. Now we have the advantage of tools like the internet and social media, the whole process becomes much faster and a new business can be set-up virtually overnight.

But does every new business owner really understand the true implications of what they are embarking upon, and in particular, the rules and responsibilities they need to abide by to avoid fines or ending up on the wrong side of the law?

This may just be the best piece of advice you get when starting out.

This guide highlights some of the key areas to consider to make your venue styling business a success!