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Training & Mentoring for Venue Stylists

An online, community-lead, affordable training and mentoring programme for venue stylists to set up and grow a successful business

Do you love weddings and parties?

Do you scroll through Instagram or Pinterest looking at pictures of beautiful events?

Are you looking for a change of career or a side hustle?

Would you like the freedom to set your own hours and income?

Wish you COULD have your dream job, after all?

Would you love to become a successful venue stylist?

If you answered YES,
then you've come to the right place!
Picture of Liz the CEO of the venue styling academy
Doug is a director of the venue styling academy which offers training and mentoring for venue stylists
as featured in ...

Liz & Doug have run their own successful venue styling company, Stressfree – The Venue Transformers, for 29 years.  They have created some of the most stylish and lavish weddings and parties both in the UK and overseas.

Their clients include numerous couples looking to them to create fabulous vistas for their weddings, celebrities wanting their houses transformed for parties, corporate clients wanting to wow their guests, through to venues wanting their spaces transformed beyond recognition!

They have now embarked on a new adventure to transfer their knowledge to anyone looking to become a successful venue stylist, giving them all the necessary information and support they need to set-up and grow. 

The Venue Styling Academy provides training and mentoring for venue stylists.  It covers everything from registering a business and sorting out the legals, through to determining which services to sell and how to deliver them, as well as the products to buy.

How we can help you